One of the most dangerous systems in your home is your chimney system. People assume it’s because of the risk of fire, but actually, the carbon monoxide exposure from your fireplace is a real danger that sends about 50,000 people to the ER each year. While not all of these cases are caused by your fireplace, they often happen in the home and can lead to serious organ damage and even death.
In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 430 people die in the U.S. from accidental CO poisoning. Carbon monoxide is highly dangerous and poisonous, as it is tasteless, odorless, and colorless. When it affects the body, the symptoms are much like the common cold and flu, so it often goes unnoticed. Prevent CO poisoning before it happens to you by taking care of your chimney and fireplace regularly.
Clean Chimneys are Safe and Efficient
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends regular chimney maintenance for a safe and efficient chimney system. Having your a chimney inspection annually allows a professional to get a look at your system inside and out. They can assess and diagnose hazards to keep your family and home safe. When you schedule a chimney sweep, a professional comes into the home and clears the entire system of soot, creosote, and other debris. This causes an increase of efficiency for your system and lead to countless problems such as carbon monoxide leaks.
Other Common Sources of CO
Whether your furnace is wood or gas-fueled, it has a risk of exposing your family to carbon monoxide if not properly maintained. Other sources of CO gas include:
- Room heaters
- Charcoal grills
- Cooing ranges
- Water heaters
- Automobiles
- Fireplaces
- Portable generators
- Small engines
When a family is exposed to CO gas, some individuals are at risk for more danger than others. If you have children or elderly family members who are experiencing serious symptom, get help immediately. Symptoms are as minor as a headache, dizziness, and nausea. They can be as serious as confusion, memory loss, difficulty coordinating, convulsions, and seizures. These symptoms are lessened when you spend time away from the residence and return again when you return home. Serious symptoms can occur months or years later because carbon monoxide poisoning causes permanent damage to the body’s organs. This is because when it is inhaled, it binds to the blood cells and quickly replaces oxygen in the bloodstream. Eventually, the organs are starved of oxygen and fail, resulting in permanent damage or death.
Take your safety seiously by hiring a professional chimney company you trust. Talk with one of our experts today and find out why regular chimney sweeping and cleaning are important. You can schedule an appointment with Hudson Chimney online today or 904-282-4159.